Monday, January 24, 2011

Africa here I come

Everyone who knows me and has ever seen me pack, knows I hate packing and it takes me hours maybe even days. I spread all my stuff out, open my suitcase and then start slowly putting things in my bag. I take numerous breaks to eat and watch movies that end up distracting me even further. I get stressed and exhausted and overwhelmed simply folding the clothes. BUT I have a major problem stopping me from packing, even though I leave in a week... I do NOT have all of my stuff yet and therefore am using that as an excuse to not pack at all.

I am going shopping with my mother right now in an attempt to stop the stress of having procrastinated ALL break. Cross your fingers we get a lot done. Knowing my mother (and me) we will crank it out. We will spend way too much money, ending the day in complete hunger and exhaustion.

For all those who have been eagerly anticipating my blog and photos from my journey to Africa you will have to wait til Feb. 3rd when I finally arrive in Tanzania. I leave Tuesday, Feb. 1st. For some reason I have been telling everyone, and I mean EVERYONE that I leave Sunday, January 31st. This is very wrong!! one: the 31st is a Monday, and two: wrong date! LOL But no one corrected me when I said Sunday so I'm not the only one who makes mistakes. :)

Next day: Shopping was a HUGE success and we actually saved money! I am not done, but very close... its about time to start packing NOOOOOO

So for all those people who want to know where I will be, here is my mailing address. Please DO NOT send me a package as I might never see it or will be charged ridiculously for it. Just letters or postcards! It could take three weeks or longer for me to receive anything, so if you want it to get there by a certain date then send it in advance. I know, so complicated!

First I'll be here for six weeks:

Julie Campbell
SFS Center for Wildlife Management Studies,
P.O. Box 304
East Africa

Then, I'll be here for the rest of the time:

Julie Campbell
Center for Wildlife Management Studies
P.O. Box 27743 (Nyayo Stadium)
East Africa

I hope everyone likes my blog! Its my first one ever and I can't help but feel that I babbled on and on.

I'm so excited for Africa!!! I leave in 7 days!!!!
